相剋作用是指植物在代謝過程中釋放出有毒物質以抑制本身或鄰近植物種子萌發及植株發育生長的過程。一般認為,榕樹是具有相剋作用的常見植物,但很少見到相關的文獻探討。本實驗利用榕樹不同組織萃取液,以小白菜、結球白菜與阿拉伯芥作材料,探討該萃取液對上述植物發芽與生長之影響,結果顯示榕樹葉萃取液所造成之影響較顯著,不同榕樹組織的萃取液、不同濃度的萃取液對不同植物所產生的效果不盡相同,針對不同生長期的植物進行處理所造成的影響亦有差異。進一步以管柱層析法與高壓液相層析法(HPLC)分離葉萃取液,結果發現以正己烷和乙酸乙酯75:25為沖提液的條件下,於HPLC的層析圖中分離時間約8分時所流出的物質具最明顯的抑制作用。電泳剖面分析顯示處理與未處理間有些許蛋白質條帶差異,此變化蛋白可能與植物幼苗對該萃取液之耐受性有關。利用核酸微陣列(microarray)對榕樹萃取液處理之阿拉伯芥植物進行基因表現分析,發現榕樹萃取液對植物部分基因表現也有促進和抑制的情形,經由基因體與蛋白質體分析法可推論出一些受影響之相關基因。 Allelopathy was defined as a phenomenon which certain plant species, by secreting metabolites to the environment, can suppress the growth of themselves, seed germination and/or growth of other plants in the same habitats. Banyan (Ficus microcarpa L.f.) is a plant species in our campus likely to have allelopathy effect. However, documents describing such action on allelopathy were rare. In this study, we applied the crude tissue extracts including leaves, stems, roots of banyan onto the germinating seeds of Pai-Tsai (Brassica rapa L.ssp.chinensis(Rupr.(Olsson))), Chinese cabbage (Brassica pekinensis Rupr.) and Arabidopsis(Arabidopsis thaliana, ecotype Columbia-0) to study the effects of such plant extract on the germination and seedling growth of other plants. It is found that allelopathic effects on seed germination vary among different tissues used for extract preparation. Different concentration of the extract also yield various degree of allelophathic effects. It is also noted that the application of extract onto the post-germinated sprouts has less effects on plant growth. The extract of leaves was subsequently chromatographed over silica gel using hexane/EtOH gradient solvent system and HPLC. The result showed that there was one fraction about 8 min in the chromatography of HPLC eluted with 25% EtOAc in hexane had the most inhibitory effect. SDS-PAGE analysis on the electrophoretic profiles of water soluble proteins has explored a different band pattern between the treated and non-treated sprouts. The observed band difference might provide a clue for exploring proteins which reacted differently upon the application of extract. DNA microarray analysis on the effect of banyan extract on Arabidopsis gene expression has also been employed to characterize genes responsive to the allelophathic treatment. Cross-comparison between the differential transcript and protein profiles will reveal key regulators in plants experiencing allelophathic condition. \r