政府最近公佈在東沙群島設立第一個國家海洋公園,顯示國人重視海洋資源的保育與復育;但是東沙島特殊的自然景觀「會擺動的沙嘴」—龍擺尾,卻因興建八座消波塊構築的突堤而消散停擺。本研究以一個高中生的觀點,設計及進行一系列的模型實驗,探討東沙島的形成機制、各種環境因素對海灘及龍擺尾的演化、驗證龍擺尾的現況及如何讓龍擺尾復活,再由東沙島海灘復育看世界的海岸問題。雖然設備很克難,但都能完成預定的目標,證實東沙島的海灘演化。希望此次對東沙島海灘的研究成果與初步探討,能應用於世界上遭受侵蝕而需復育的海岸。In 2007, our government proclaimed Dongsha archipelago as the first national marine park, signifying her emphasis on the conservation and restoration of marine resources. However, the sand spit on Dongsha island, a unique natural wonder commonly referred to as the “swaying dragon tail”, has become motionless since the construction of a total of eight groins along its SE and NE coast during the period between 1993 and 1996. This study has conducted a series of model experiments to verify several fundamental issues, ranging from the formation and the factors affecting the stability and the status quo of Dongsha island and its spit. The experimental results find several favorably outcomes, giving the coast evolving evidences of Dongsha island. Furthermore, strategy to stabilize the coast and revitalize the spit are then considered, which could hopefully benefit the coast suffering erosion on the world’s coastline.