台灣溫泉資源豐富,不同的溫泉泉質適合不同的溫泉藻類生長。溫泉藻屬於極端生物,其應用資源極待研究開發。本研究根據細胞型態、藻膽蛋白種類分析以及rbcL 基因定序等結果推測北投溫泉藻屬於一種溫泉紅藻,其種類近似於Galdieria sp. (Rhodophyta)。此外,本研究利用葉綠素螢光分析儀於野外實測北投溫泉紅藻於不同光強度下,光合作用能力的差異,發現適應於不同光強度的溫泉紅藻,其電子傳遞速率並無顯著的差異。推測其原因可能與北投溫泉紅藻的phycocyanin 含量會隨著光量有所調整,藉此達到最佳的光合作用能力有關。另外,本研究發現隨著光強度的上升,溫泉藻的NPQ 值有上升的趨勢,然而低光區的溫泉藻有較高的NPQ 值,此與一般理論不符。利用HPLC 分析北投溫泉紅藻的類胡蘿蔔素種類組成,其種類分別為Lutein、α-carotein、β-carotein 與Zeaxanthin,未發現Violanxanthin 與Antheraxanthin,北投溫泉紅藻並不俱有葉黃素迴圈。因此根據研究結果,我們認為NPQ 值與色素的關係仍有討論的空間Taiwan is resourceful in hot springs. Various hot spring algae are adapted to different types of hot springs. Hot spring algae applications are still under developing. In this work, based upon the morphology, analysis of phycobiliproteins, and rbcL sequences, the hot spring algae of Peitou is found to be Galdieria maxima (Rhodophyta). In addition, the dependence of the photosynthesis of Galdieria maxima on the light intensity was measured by Diving-PAM. The results show that the light energy availability efficiency of Galdieria maxima adapting to different light intensity exhibited different, although the electron circulate rate differed insignificantly. This suggests that the concentration of phycocyanin in Galdieria maxima may vary to attain optimal photosynthesis. Furthermore, the NPQ of Galdieria maxima increase with the light intensity. However, contradict to the theory; even under the same light intensity, the NPQ of Galdieria maxima was higher at low light zone. The carotene composition of Galdieria maxima was analyzed using HPLC and found lutein, α-carotene, β-carotene, and zeaxanthin. Violaxanthin and antheraxanthin were not present. Therefore, Galdieria maxima do not exhibit xanthophyll. Based on the results of this study, the correlation between NPQ and pigment still needs to be investigated.